Thursday, November 22, 2012

ootd: buffets & potlucks

The day before Thanksgiving I went with my lovely roommates to New Jersey to go shopping at Mitsuwa! It was a lot of fun to get away from my stressful environment and just spend time with them. It was such nice weather too!

We had a three-course meal, while watching Avatar the Last Airbender. Yes, we're Avatards to the max. 

On Thanksgiving day, I ate at a school organized buffet with the 男友. We stuffed ourselves silly and I barely made it back to the dorm with out throwing up....

And at night we had a spontaneous potluck for which I made chili mac and my very first pumpkin pie! It was so yummy :) 

Three Thanksgiving meals in two days, so thankful I can barely move. It has been hard on the ol' tummy...


  1. Christina! You are gorgeous!

    Model for me when I come back to NY ya? hehee


    1. Never saw this!! T_T

      But thank you~~ that'd be really fun! ^^
