Friday, December 7, 2012

ootd: espressos & pushpins

I'm a Communications Design major, with a concentration in Illustration.

In English, that means I'm an illustration major, but my school has a major that allows you to major in this but at the same time receive training in Advertisting/Art Design and Graphic Design for a very all-rounded education in the field. Hence Communications Design.

Anyways, yesterday was Survey for us sophomores. What that means is putting up minimum three pieces from all of your art classes (yes we do have liberal arts, non-art courses here too). It's a big, big deal for us, and is our equivalent of a final. Presentation is super important, along with overall quality of your pieces. So for the large majority of us the last few weeks/days has been a flurry of touching up existing pieces, finishing new ones, mounting them and planning out the layout for exhibition!

The night before I had an espresso at about 6pm, and somehow it kept me awake till 3am... even though I was in bed at 10.30 because set-up for Survey begins at 6am. It was...horrible.

When I arrived at my space, to my horror there was a light switch in the middle of it. So I had to either cut out a hole for the light switch in the paper I was putting up as a background, or cover it. I chose to cover it with my name tag and miraculously no one noticed!! I was pretty pissed initially since it meant I'd have to change my planned layout, but hey, I think it looked better than it would have.

Thank you, light switch. -__-

I wore an old sweater I found in my parents' closet right before I moved here for freshman year! First time wearing it and I loved it! Also found a pair of skinnys on our floor's swap & drop box, which normally sells for around $100 O__O

Survey all in all went super well, I received a lot of love, and I'm grateful. This is just confirmation that I really am where I'm meant to be. I'm even more motivated for the future now, can't wait till winter break, I'm going to be fighting sloth and working hard on personal projects! I'll be restarting my art blog soon, so look out!


Today is Senior survey, I went last year and it was amazing. I was extremely intimidated as well as motivated. I can't wait to go again!!

Here's my space in sophomore survey:

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